Tag Archives: wellness

Live in the Land of Good Enough

The pdf below, “Living in the Land of Good Enough,” is one of the 50 chapters in “Embrace Your Greatness.” Learn tips to avoid “all-or-nothing thinking.”    

Learn to Forgive: 10 Tips and Quick Quiz

One of the most difficult burdens that weigh heavily on many of us is being weighed down by bitterness and grudges. Sometimes we see the tormenter as no one other than ourselves, and we get emotionally paralyzed by self-blame and guilt, crippling self-esteem and limiting optimism about the future. Lacking forgiveness  for the wrongs committed… Read More »

Getting Through the Dark Days of Winter

Getting Through the Dark Days of Winter Winter is generally regarded as a “season of contempt.” It is often blamed for gloomy moods that range from “the blues” to a bonafide mental disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder (known as S.A.D.) that affects up to nearly 10 per cent of the U.S. population